Welcome to the School of Social Work
Bachelor in Social Work
The Baccalaureate degree in Social Work has been offered at the University of Arkansas since 1940. The School has one of the oldest undergraduate social work programs in the United States. The program is fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.
The undergraduate program has two primary education goals:
- preparation for culturally competent, empirically based, multi-systems, beginning
level professional generalist practice across the life course
- the preparation of students for continuing their professional growth and development after graduation.
In order to achieve its basic purposes, the faculty, students, staff, and agency field instructors are involved in a variety of teaching, research, and outreach activities that involve them in the life of the university, communities around the state, and at the national level.
Master of Social Work
The mission of the University of Arkansas MSW program is to use the body of knowledge, values, and skills of the social work profession to:
- develop new social work knowledge through the conduct of research in the spirit of
scientific inquiry and the use of new technologies, especially in the area of poverty
- educate competent and effective advanced leader/practitioners committed to fundamental
social work values including service, social justice, integrity, the dignity and worth
of every person, competence and human rights
- apply research findings in outreach efforts through service and leadership in the development of social service delivery systems to improve the quality of life of poor and other vulnerable persons, families, groups, organizations and communities in Arkansas, nationally, and globally.
Michael Collie Endowed Award In Social Work
It is our pleasure to make all BSW students aware of an opportunity to apply for the first ever Michael Collie Endowed Award in Social Work. The lucky recipient will receive a $900 award from the School of Social Work for Fall 2020 semester!The purpose of the Michael Collie Endowed Award in Social Work will be to provide support for an undergraduate student majoring in Social Work.
The HRSA Scholarship Program is designed to provide up to $2.87 million in scholarship funds (2020-2025) to up to 37 full-time, MSW Program students per academic year (August 15-May 15) to offset graduate school tuitions. HRSA Scholars receive $15,000 ($7,500 per semester) in scholarship funds per academic year. MSW Students can apply for HRSA Scholarship funds for two years. Scholarship funds are distributed through the UA Financial Aid Office to student university accounts. Any funds left over after paying tuition and fees will be refunded to the student by the Financial Aid office.
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Scholarship